Saturday, July 11, 2009

Yuri's Revenge

XX1: Isn't this a gay place? XX2: They can't all be 100% gay. Hey sexy. You must be at least a bit bi, right? XY: I doubt you could turn me all by yourself. XX1: Ahem. There is two of us! XX2: This is bound to work, I saw it in a sitcom once. XX2: I saw it at least twice. This is what real men want. XX1: Womens! XX: Wheeee! Ha! Squee! Zort! Yip! Yow! Bree! Hee! Fisk! Wow! Glaven! XY: Ahem. XX: Mphwhaaaat!? XY: Not so funny when I try and make you gay, is it? XX1: Those crafty gays. XX2: It's like they're always one step ahead.Stupid image upload vertical size limits.

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