Monday, and what better way to start the week than with a godawful pun and a joke that maybe one person in the entire universe might get?

I'm getting sick of your antics. If
you don't STOP IT, I'm coming over
there to sort you out MYSELF.
for more, dial 0-500-123-STARS
I'm getting sick of your antics. If
you don't STOP IT, I'm coming over
there to sort you out MYSELF.
for more, dial 0-500-123-STARS
Tuesday is a day for controversial slogans and apocalyptic vision.

Wednesday was a day of consumer paranoia, coupled with the shocking revelation that when nobody's watching, I really don't bother to draw hands properly.

Thursday seemed to continue this theme, in a half-hearted pastiche of The Running Man...

Friday... oh, all right, I actually just drew this now. I did think of it that week, though.

And that's why I keep a lot of stuff to myself: because it isn't funny and doesn't even make any sense. But then, you knew that already. Good day to you!
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